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Money 101: How much is your Starbucks habit costing you? 7 tips to save on coffee

Michael Schramm
University of Michigan

Money 101 is an experimental USA TODAY College series. Each week, we'll dive into a personal financial topic impacting college students or unpack a complex finance term that young people need to know and understand. This is the first installment.

It's becoming part of the quintessential college experience: roll out of bed, rush to class and on the way, hit up Starbucks (or any coffee shop, for that matter).

On any single day, coffee isn't that financially disastrous, with most cups of joe costing between $1 and $3.

But over the course of weeks, months and years, how financially damaging can the coffee shop habit be? And how can we make it more affordable?

"Drinking coffee or lattes every single day or even multiple times a day can obviously drain the typical college student's budget," says Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, author of College Secrets: How to Save Money, Cut College Costs and Graduate Debt Free.

Few college students have extra cash to waste. According to the College Board's 2015-16 estimates, the typical college student's budget for "other expenses" ranges from $1,628 to $2,257. That gives you just between $46.96 and $65.11 a week in spending money over eight months.

And consider how much that money could make over the course of 10 years. Nancy Fellinger, a certified financial planner, has run some estimates on the cost of a $3-a-day coffee habit.

"Assuming that scenario, that’s $21.00 a week or $1,092 a year. If I took that $1,092 a year and invested it in something that averaged 7% in 10 years, I’d have $15,087," she tells USA TODAY College.

Fifteen. Thousand. Dollars.

Even if you just buy a $2 latte four days a week, you'd still have spent $6,149.98 after 10 years.

So: the cost of coffee can add up. But college is super stressful and you need your fix. So here are seven ways to reduce the cost.

how to save on coffee graphic

1. Make it at home.

You probably know that you can make coffee at home, but do you know how much you could save?

Cary Carbonaro, a certified financial planner and author of The Money Queens Guide for Women who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear, runs an estimate assuming you can buy a 2 lb. bag of Starbucks or BJ's coffee for $10.

"Each pound yields 48 cups less if you like it stronger so lets say that's 70-96 cups," she says. "That is 10 cents a cup, but then you have to add milk, almond milk, sugar, whatever, so let's round up to 25 cents."

Compare this to a Freshly Brewed Coffee at Starbucks, priced at $1.85 on Fast Food Menu Prices. That's $1.60 savings per cup. If you drink a cup before class every day, this would save you around $277 over eight months (minus the cost of the coffee maker, of course).

And when we asked you all for coffee tips on Twitter, many of you gave us a clear recommendation: get a French press.

2. Splurge only on your coffee must-haves

Most of our estimates have been for standard coffee that includes only a bit of sugar, cream or milk.

But we know that some people prefer a beverage that's closer to a sugary dessert than black coffee. You know what we mean: the iced caramel macchiato, the strawberries and creme frappuccino or the PSL — Pumpkin Spice Latte.

These concoctions can be expensive. Fast Food Menu Prices places these Starbucks drinks at over $4 for a grande, which is a Starbucks medium.

Knowing why you like these drinks (or any coffee beverage) can actually play to your financial advantage. If you're not into quality coffee, then why splurge on it at a coffee shop? Buy inexpensive coffee instead -- and become your own barista and invent recipes at home.

Fellinger — while usually drinking tamer coffee — takes advantage of this strategy by making large amounts of coffee at once and pouring skim milk into it.

"I’m not a coffeetti," she says via email, referring to the coffee equivalent of a foodie. "I’m doing it more for the warm milk and the caffeine, not so much the taste of 'fine' coffee."

And if you simply must get the PSL experience, there are ways to make it at home, according to one of our Twitter followers.

3. Use hacks to cut coffee shop costs

If you absolutely must spring for coffee at a shop, take advantage of discounts. According to one Twitter user, some schools and shops reward the use of reusable cups.

Starbucks also offers customers 10 cents for bringing in a reusable mug, and registering a Starbucks card entitles you to free items after accumulating a certain amount of points and coupons with new discounts.

4. Frequent cheaper coffee shops

Are you going to Starbucks because you're particular about their coffee or because it's a habit -- or convenient? If it's just a habit, you may want to consider other options to get your coffee fix.

"McDonalds is even cheaper," Carbonaro points out.

It's true: With a 90-cent small coffee, McDonald's is half the price of the standard Starbucks $1.80 cup. Remember, those dimes add up over time.

5. Always pay with cash

Studies have shown that people spend more impulsively with credit cards than cash. So make a deal with yourself to always pay in cash.

"[D]on't use a credit card for those purchases; only cash," says Khalfani-Cox. "Even using a debit card is dicey because many students don't get the same appreciation for their spending when they're whipping out plastic -- as opposed to paying with cold, hard dollars."

6. Save in other ways

Fellinger says she used to be "judge-y" about people who spent large amounts of money on coffee until a coworker told her a Starbucks run "kept her from beating her coworker over the head with a heavy stapler."

"If that particular cup of coffee is something that you truly value and appreciate, and you’re fully in tune of the financial costs (both outlay and opportunity cost), then savor every drop. If it’s just convenience or habit, though, ... it’s worth rethinking."

So for you extreme coffee lovers, perhaps it's best to treat yourself when it comes to your coffee addiction and save in other areas, like eating out or shopping.

7. Go work at a coffee shop

If you can't beat them, join them, says one of our Twitter followers.

And no, you shouldn't just take a job for free coffee. But if you're already looking for a part-time job, you may as well play to your strengths.

There certainly are perks to being a barista. Starbucks, for instance, gives workers a 30% discount and a free pound of coffee each week.

What financial topics do you want covered -- and demystified -- in Money 101? Let us know in the comments section below or on Twitter @USATODAYCollege!

Michael Schramm is a student at University of Michigan and a USA TODAY College lead digital producer.

This story originally appeared on the USA TODAY College blog, a news source produced for college students by student journalists. The blog closed in September of 2017.

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